Monday, July 14, 2014

Rotting in the Bastille of my mind...

Germany one...France, still winning, time to storm the Bastille of my mind, free all those imprisoned concepts, look out world, its a brave new universe, and the future never looked brighter, old ideas and systems, fall away, corruption too must clear the air and face the light of scrutiny, its a whole new ballgame, new rules, new tools new cheating. Its a honor system, those without...don't play, seems fair so far. But the cost to date...staggering, my god, the cost in lives and treasure, of what I would call the 100 year war, the treasures can be replaced, but so much suffering, just so a handful of elites can exist...does not compute, time to lose the excess baggage..liva la revolution, live free or die, time to do.
Congratulations Germany, your are the Supreme footballers of the world (for next 4 years) kick it...kick it real good.

Happy Bastille/Liberty Day World,
the French started the heads rolling, time to finish the job, Liberty for All

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