Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blinded by the light

What a magnificent universe to live in. Never a dull moment, what a moon, bright as day it seems, critters were out in full force. What a noisy night as well.
Wow, summer is slipping by, another school year looms, and another year slips into que, don't know what to expect anymore, the world I once knew is long gone, in its place...a brave, but stupider world, what happened? The future happened technopoly happened, Monsanto happened, the Burning Bushes, Obomaroma, the war on intelligence and we are losing, collectively, America is the new Brazil..think about it. Scary thought. Yes, we the American people have been sold out, to corporate greed, to rampant criminality, even the men of God have given in to the wealth of the church system, are there no more saints on earth? Apparently not making news anyway. But under the apparent insanity, hearts and minds are being changed, the anger is giving way to laughter, there's hope out there, one heart at a time...thats how you do it, where's your heart??
What changes are you making, where do you wish to go? You got to have a plan...yes, that's a tough one, so it's got to be a good plan. that sees you through to the other side hopefully. Other side? Just a metaphor, there are no forward, no past, no future, get it....just the now, just this moment. So why not make it the best, most enjoyable, greatest moment you got it, rock your universe, coffees on. And someone needs to dim the moon a little, nightime is a hell of a time to be the light. Thx.

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