Saturday, July 19, 2014

Worlds within worlds, into the rabit hole and out the other side...Whhhat the fuck??

It's been a journey of epic proportions, learning to gleam bits of truth out of the weirdness the secrets, the bullshit. Three years of searching for truth. The real deal, and its led me to some amazing places, amazing individuals, mind boggling ideas of reality, yes the truth IS out there, you just have to look!
Here is the truth of it as I understand it. We humans are not alone on this planet, we are not in control of our history, that there are two separate governments that run this country, and that we are in the final stages of a agenda to take over complete control of the world, by outsiders who covenant our world and her resources. History and facts have been written to hide the reality and crimes of those in power for thousands of years, that what you think you know is a fairytale designed to bring about the total rape and conquest of mother earth by non indigenous beings, once we the people...have been removed (eliminated. As in the Nazi final solution) and the planet reshaped by terraforming to allow the reinhabitation by those "others". That there is a secret space war that has been going on since before WW2, that most of what we know is just a cover for the real shit that's happening.
Think about it...did you know that Yellowstone Park was closed? Do you know why its closed? Just one "small" item that seems to be unimportant for the masses.
Three years ago I thought David Icke was a wacko conspiracy shrill, today I think he's one of the worlds bravest and insightful individuals. One who has a deep understanding of the fabric and weave of the world, we all have much to thank him for, in fact his investigation of pedifiles has yet to trully blossom and show the world the true nature of European royalty church royalty and the biggest crime syndicate in the world. The trafficking of children...for sex, and so much more. Try this link on for size...will blow your mind.

R.I.P. Phil Schneider, you helped me get past the bullshit, you showed me the truth about the Denver airport, and so much more, they killed you to shut you down, they failed, you shall not be forgotten.

to be continued

The turning of yet another month much has and is happening at the camp, we are once again a farm. Much soil prepping, planting, potting, that gardening thing
 But the best is the rock walls, building terraces clearing the undergrowth out, all in all, the place looks great. Now for the really fun stuff.

Creating the new reality...first and foremost, disband the military. Close the pentagon, give it to the Smithsonian, eliminate all branches of service except the Coast Guard and National Guard, turn all military affairs over to the National Guard. Simple, get out of everyone elses backyard, close all bases outside US, other countries do have bases...end the war on stupid, on corruption, on evil. Simple
alittle insight to the Big Picture, of evil, swirling in the BIGGER picture of the manifest destiny of mankind, I'm going to take the advice of gentle heart...gonna get some burbon in me, and let the heart howl at the moon, the battle has only just begun. The Bush shall be consumed by it is written, so it shall be.

and a update on the Bush/Nazi situation...
not looking good for the Powers that be (were) the new world order they dream of is happening its just not their vision of control and continued looting, its the new age, age of Aquarius, iz a new world, a kinder gentler harmonious world, where corporations serve and not exploit their paymasters...aloha
I gots to go play in the dirt...


Monday, July 14, 2014

Rotting in the Bastille of my mind...

Germany one...France, still winning, time to storm the Bastille of my mind, free all those imprisoned concepts, look out world, its a brave new universe, and the future never looked brighter, old ideas and systems, fall away, corruption too must clear the air and face the light of scrutiny, its a whole new ballgame, new rules, new tools new cheating. Its a honor system, those without...don't play, seems fair so far. But the cost to date...staggering, my god, the cost in lives and treasure, of what I would call the 100 year war, the treasures can be replaced, but so much suffering, just so a handful of elites can exist...does not compute, time to lose the excess baggage..liva la revolution, live free or die, time to do.
Congratulations Germany, your are the Supreme footballers of the world (for next 4 years) kick it...kick it real good.

Happy Bastille/Liberty Day World,
the French started the heads rolling, time to finish the job, Liberty for All

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blinded by the light

What a magnificent universe to live in. Never a dull moment, what a moon, bright as day it seems, critters were out in full force. What a noisy night as well.
Wow, summer is slipping by, another school year looms, and another year slips into que, don't know what to expect anymore, the world I once knew is long gone, in its place...a brave, but stupider world, what happened? The future happened technopoly happened, Monsanto happened, the Burning Bushes, Obomaroma, the war on intelligence and we are losing, collectively, America is the new Brazil..think about it. Scary thought. Yes, we the American people have been sold out, to corporate greed, to rampant criminality, even the men of God have given in to the wealth of the church system, are there no more saints on earth? Apparently not making news anyway. But under the apparent insanity, hearts and minds are being changed, the anger is giving way to laughter, there's hope out there, one heart at a time...thats how you do it, where's your heart??
What changes are you making, where do you wish to go? You got to have a plan...yes, that's a tough one, so it's got to be a good plan. that sees you through to the other side hopefully. Other side? Just a metaphor, there are no forward, no past, no future, get it....just the now, just this moment. So why not make it the best, most enjoyable, greatest moment you got it, rock your universe, coffees on. And someone needs to dim the moon a little, nightime is a hell of a time to be the light. Thx.

Tales From The Morph

Tales From The Morph

a little something that helped me though a wet, dark, funky, Sunday was my morning sunshine kisses...thx I needed it.

the power of love...fights on, as is the coffee.

have a awesome day!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A fifth of whatever...

I need a drink...and not a glass. But the whole bottle, yes.
Not quite what i had in mind, I got nothing against flowers, but it would probably work..mmm Crown Royal, the cheeseburger of whiskys, lol and Johnny Walker Black...good company to get down with, yes it has been one of those weeks. Yes I know...and we have another full moon...this one is interesting, much happening, we needs new attitudes new ideas for bringing joy to others,

Today at the top of my to watch list was the video of Isis beheading a Iraqi general, Last is now banned in my universe, I don't need this crap, I won't support this crap. I'm gone...period. 100% boycott youtube/facebook/google more social networking...will I survive?? Will I stay off the techie sauce?
let's hope so...

on to better things
think I'll make some bright shining things...
but what to make...
should be useful. Yet not harmful, hmm tough one. Any suggestions, it's ok I won't laugh, out,
anyway, I gots to get back to my fantasy...

the 4th of forever

  • journey de jour travels thru time, time hopping thru misty islands in the clouds...what was, what is, what will be, is anything real? I recognize
    the stick but where did she come, very nice, hello....what fantasy am I in, hell am I still in Hawaii...i feel I should know the

    answer here...ok, still my fantasy, but truck should be blue...hmmm
    where was I..

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

it all started with a rainbow....
 the new neighborhood

 rainbow falls...magical place, the boiling pots

to 4 mile..
now that's a stretch...

 my first local turtle...
man that's a big one...
endangered...fear not for the turtle, he's a surviver.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

fishing without hooks....

 4 place to chase, the fish
Finally, a fishing trip, in Hilo as for you, island fish catching dog, living my fantasy, nice fish, lol, so jealous, my grill is saddly wanting, got a tip on pig, just down the road, could be the spot. Well rains stopped, smells fresh it's hook on! Using mini oreos for bait...Capt Ky spotting in a Yankees game, where in the world is Captain Hope he makes it to his folks for 4th, anyone gotten a tatto count? Seriously...curious.
well rainbows seem to be
the theme
had a massive full frontal,
in your face, completely glorious one
yesterday morning
after getting my third coffee,
and buying a little crabby old homeless woman breakfast...felt good to help someone...lords know I gets lots myself
thank you mother earth...
thank you rainbow spirit, your colors touch and transform me....much like coffee...latte on
I need more mocha Scotty...
aghigh Cappiton, I've given ya all she's got...
damn...out off mocha
and no fish,
someone...forgot the hooks, brilliant
i'm off to Safeway for Ahi

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Fathers Day to all you fellow dads..

Dale Hayden
Major USAF Ret.
One of the greatest generation
you are loved and missed...
my dad

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Where in the Universe is oldguy....

Welcome to the Oldguy's Universe,
link to my old blog Sunspots...the past, the old, was that me?
the future...

Somewhere, there's a cave, far from the madness of the rat race and bullshit. Far from the madness, yet closer to the heart, where the air is still sweet, the people lovely, and time seems to flow slower, a place in the sun.
iz paradise, l'm back in love...
this is your universe too, just seen through my eyes, yes, iz beautiful! As are you my are you...